Monday, February 28, 2011

what about now?

 as rough and tough as the world is,
don't forget to see the beauty in the simple things.


sure, it's nice to trust people, but never stop
relying on yourself. you came into this world alone
and you're leaving the same way too.


confidence is admitting who you are, what you've done, and loving
yourself for who you've become, no matter what others think
of you.
^i have no confidence. whatsoever.


missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day
further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next
time you will.


the thing is, if my life was a movie, there would be so many people
who would not be called back for the sequel.


laugh when you can. apologize when you should. let go of what you can't
change. kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give
everything, and have no regrets. life is too short to be anything but happy.


i hate two faced people, but it's hard to decide which face
to slap first.


a bad personality can make the beautiful person look ugly.


and in the end it's not the years in your life that count.
it's the life in your years.


just because you turn out differently than everyone imagined
you would; doesn't mean that you've failed in some way.
~My Sister's Keeper
^sad movie, and book. both made me cry...just sayin


true love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning.
~Nicholas Sparks


it's a simple game. you win when you stop caring about it.


you showed me something that i couldn't see. you
opened my eyes and you made me believe.


love is a liability. it makes you do the most stupid things.


other things may change us,
but we start and end with family.


"the saddest kind of sad is the sad that tries
not to be sad. you know, when sad tries to bite
its lip and not cry and smile and go, "no i'm happy
for you?" that's when it's really sad."
~John Mayer

 the most important thing is to enjoy life.
to be happy. that's all that matters.


i'm not doubting anything, i know this is worth it.
i'm sure you're worth it.


just because one person stopped caring about you,
doesn't mean you can forget the ones who
actually do.


every girl deserves a guy who'll prove her that not all guys are the same.
a guy who'll love her just the way she is.


if your heart's not in it for real,
then don't fake what you don't feel.


it's better to be with no one,
than to be with the wrong one.


what if i died tomorrow? would you miss me?


when i text you, it means i miss you.
when i don't text you, i'm hoping you'll
miss me.


the only way to know true happiness, is to live life loving,
as if it will never hurt at all.


don't fall for someone unless they're
willing to catch you.


"i've always wanted to be a princess, but now it's different.
i want to be your princess."
^haha my uncle and aunt call me princess


you don't get that many people in your life that you can
just tell anything to.


life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.


some find comfort in what they can't explain.


once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life,
love gives us a fairy tale.


do what you have to do, but always stay true and never
let anyone get the best of you.


i believe in love. and in arguing and jamming out by yourself in the car.
i believe in having someone tell you that you're beautiful,
dancing in the rain, and miracles. i believe in
smiling until your cheeks hurt and laughing until you can't take it anymore.
last, i believe in second chances, even if you've
completely screwed up.
^i wanna dance in the rain one day..or just walk in it for no reason.
lol im weird..


if nothing else, i've realized who i can count on. the friends
who can read my mind and finish my sentence.
who call me in the middle of a text message, or
answer my question before i ask it.


love is needing someone. love is putting up with someone's
bad qualities because they somehow complete you.


beauty lies in the specific looks of a person, rather than the object,
because different people feel beauty in
different things.
^ha jokes. doesn't apply to me at all.

^favorite disney movie ever<3

keep a smile on your face even when
you have every reason to breakdown.
^did that today...will be for the rest of this week


without trust, you have nothing.


i'm done with games, and the people who play them.


what's more important? what we become
or how we become it?


it's hard to move on. it's just hard to leave
behind what you're not supposed to bring


honestly, i'm not sure if i should keep holding on
or if i should just let go. it's stupid to just keep
holding on to something that hurts you, but it's also
stupid to let go of everything you ever wanted.


i love the way you look at me when i say something stupid.
it's like you're about to get mad, but then you smile.


if you have no makeup on, your hair is a mess, you're still in
your PJ's and he still can't resist telling you you're
beautiful, well then he's a keeper.


"when you fall in love, everything sort of passes by and you're still there,
looking at the most beautiful person
you've ever seen in your life."


you don't always have to win your battles, but its good
to know that you fought.


your smile makes everyone realize that the world
is a lovely and beautiful place.
^ha, deffinately doesn't apply to me.


when people talk, listen.
because some people never do.


she was a big part of your life, huh? then why'd you let her walk away?
you love her, don't you? then don't let yourself lose her.
you're gonna kick yourself in the ass if you don't
run after her now.


sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will make
me go in a corner and cry by myself for hours.
^haha true


there's a big world out there. bigger than prom, bigger
than high school, and it won't matter if you were
the prom queen or the quarterback of the football team or the biggest
nerd. find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it.


i'm the girl who prefers one rose instead of a dozen. i'm
the girl who would rather stay in on a friday night than go to a
wild party with random strangers. i'm the girl who wouldn't make
you wait on her hand and foot, but would do anything to make you happy.
i'm the girl who would enjoy having a movie night rather than going to
some fancy resturant. i'm the girl who would rather stay up all night
sharing secrets than going out and getting drunk. i'm the girl who won't
make you hold her bags, but would rather hold your hand instead. i'm the girl who
will love you more than anyone can possibly dream of. i'm the girl who would give the
world to see you smile.


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