Thursday, February 10, 2011

cause there's just no turning back, when your heart's under attack

 someone is looking up to you. don't let that person down.


some guys focus on how to get the girl.
once they get her, they lose focus on how to
keep her.


a rumor goes in one ear, and out
of many mouths.


show some gratitude.
drop the attitude.


you told me countless things.
but you never told me the truth.


i smile and act like nothing is wrong,
it's called: putting shit aside and trying
to be strong.


you know, it might sound boring, but i think the boring
stuff is the stuff i remember the most.


watching you from a distance afraid to get too close. hoping that you'll realize
who loves you the most. but unless you open your eyes to the one who's always there.
you won't ever realize the ones who truly care.


we all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take
a little of each other everywhere.

 attitude is like posing in a picture. we pose the way we want to be seen by others,
but candid shots are better because they capture the real us.


the reasons i'm alone i know by heart. but i don't want to spend forever in the dark.
i swear next time i'll hang on for dear life, if love ever gives me another try.


and even though she doesn't believe in love,
he's determined to call her bluff.


enjoy when you can and
endure when you must.


people ask me if i believe in forever and i just laugh. because the way
my life is going right now, i hardly believe in tomorrow.

 everything was perfect, we were happy as can be. then you remembered
her and forgot about me.


memory is an abstract painting. it doesn't present things as how they are,
but rather as how they feel.


there's nothing wrong in showing you care for someone. what's wrong is
expecting them to do the same.


time is a rare luxury which can never be purchased at any cost.
so when someone spends it on you, it defines the depth of care they have
for you.


everybody has the power to make someone else happy. some do it by entering the
room, while some do it by leaving.


i thought if someone breaks you, someone will come and fix it. but i was wrong.
sometimes, they come to break you more and make you feel the pain
twice as before.


goodbyes are hard. it may be harder for the person leaving, but it's
always hardest for the one left behind.


sometimes, every step you take, is a step away from
where you used to be.

 ^disneyyy<3 one week from tomorrow!!!

no matter how i feel it's always true;
that the one thing that makes me smile in this
world is you.


success is 10% inspiration, and 90% last minute changes


so maybe movies aren't exactly like real life, but don't ever settle for
something that doesn't feel right.


everyday, the choices you make say what you are
and who your heart beats for.

 ^i love themm<3
 it's not who you are that holds you back,
it's who you think you're not.


you put on a good show but i'd be willing to bet that you're suffering
more than you let anyone see.


you can tell how much you love someone by how much
they hurt you.


always remember, you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem,
and smarter than you think.
^except for me


when people appear in your dreams,
it's because that person wants to see you.


 ^thats cuteee

everyone says sleep is necessary, a basic survival need. and yet i can't
even do it right, everyday i wake up more tired than when i went to sleep.


people have scars. in all sorts of unexpected places. like secret road maps of their
personal histories. diagrams of all their old wounds. most of our ould wounds heal,
leaving nothing behind but a scar. but some of them don't. some wounds we carry with
us everywhere and though the cut's long gone, the pain still lingers.


all this drama is so crazy, all these lies are even worse. i kind of want to
say i'm sorry, but i want you to say it first.


words and hearts are the two things that should be handled with care. cause if words
are spoken and hearts are broken, they are the hardest things to repair.


i act like shit doesn't phase me, inside it drives me crazy,
my insecurities could eat me alive.


let go but never forget the past. there are many great things that can be learned
from what you have been through.


i finally found out who you are and didn't have to ask. the only face i saw
these years has always been a mask.


swallow your tears, hide your frown,
never let life bring you down.


cinderella walked on broken glass. sleeping beauty let a whole lifetime pass. belle fell
in love with a hideous beast. jasmine married a common thief. ariel walked on land for
love and life. snow white barely escaped a knife. it was all about blood, sweat and
tears, because love, means facing your biggest fears.

 love is only a chapter in a guy's life but to a girl,
it's the whole book.


the best thing to hold onto in life is each other.


i wanted everything to stay the same, but feelings fade and
people change.


life doesn't come with a handbook or road map, you have to figure out the rules, rights
and responsibilities. you have to remember which routes are right, and which are
wrong. but most importantly, you don't necessarily have to know where you're going,
but you should always remember
where you've come from.


all me claim they're different,
which makes them all the same.


sometimes love needs a fighting chance. so i'll wait my turn
until it's our turn to dance.


don't do something permanently stupid just because
you're temporarily upset.


if i could just find the time then i would never let another day go by.
i'm over getting older.


for every dark night,
there's a brighter day.


a promise is a promise. at least that's what they say.
well, welcome to my reality.
they're broken everyday.


don't criticize what you don't understand.


try walking a mile in my shoes.
i bet you'd fall and hit the ground even harder
than i did.


if we threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd
quickly grab ours back.


you know what your problem is? you get attached, fast. and once you're attached to
someone, you do everything you can to please them and make them happy. it's never
been about what you want, it's always everyone's needs before your own. you give
out too many chances to people, who quite frankly, do not deserve them. they take
advantage of you, and you become a pushover. but you're okay with that, because
they're in your life and that's all you ever really wanted. and even if they screw you
over, you'll still be there for them. because that's you, that's who you are. once you get
attached to someone, they capture your heart and they always have a place there.
and that is why it's so hard for you to let them go.
^i could relate to that


sorry if there's any typos. but i'm not re-reading this. i did all this with a migrane, im retarded

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