Saturday, February 26, 2011

don't forget to remember me

 because for some reason every teenager is
breaking something. walls, arms, phones,
and hearts. so maybe that's why this is the
hardest time of our life, because we're never
quite whole.


all in all i learned a lesson from it though,
you never see it coming, you just get to see it go.


i want you. i want all of you. forever.
you and me. everyday
~The Notebook


there will always be that one guy, that
one kiss, that one moment, that
she'll remember for the rest of her life.


for every beauty, there is an eye somewhere to see it.
for every truth, there is an ear somewhere to hear it.
for every love, there is a heart somewhere to receive it.


no matter what happens, the first person you love
is the first person you will always love. no matter
who else comes along. he'll always be on your mind and
in your heart. and just when you think you're over
him, you see his face and the feelings are back again.


if you're going through hell, i
suggest you come back learning something.


the thing is life is random and sometimes it's tragic
and totally messed up, but there is one thing that makes
all the drama and tears worthwhile. if you're lucky enough
to find someone you love who loves you back,
it's a gift.


if you looked inside a girl,
you would see how much she cries, you would
find so many secrets and lots and lots of lies,
but what you'll see most is how hard it is to stay strong,
when nothing is right and everything is wrong.


we spend our whole lives telling ourselves that everything
happens for a reason. when in reality, it's just that we give
reasons for everything that's happened.


even though you're fed up,
you gotta keep your head up


anyway, it doesn't matter how much, how often, or how closely
you keep an eye on things because you can't control it.
sometimes things and people just go. just like that.


and once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the
person you used to be, or lose that person completely.


i take you for who you are and the person you are and the
heart that you have, and i don't let anybody interfere with that.


sometimes you gotta take things for what they are and
appreciate them, not try to label it or explain it. explanations
take the mystery out of it, you know?


time is ticking away. yes you're young, but the years fly by and
soon you'll be wondering what wouls have happened if you
would have spoken what was inside your heart.


i've never thought it was possible to love someone too much,
but maybe it is.
~Gossip Girl


plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they
never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it.


a smile happens in a flash, but its memory lasts a lifetime.


you might have loved me, if you had known me. if you had ever
known my mind. if you would have walked through my dreams
and memories. who knows what treasures you might have
found. yes, you might have loved me. if you had only
taken the time.


sometimes, no matter how much faith we have, we lose people.
but you never forget them. and sometimes, it's those memories
that give us the faith to go on.


every man is afraid of something. that's how you know he's
in love with you; when he is afraid of losing you.


it's not what i didn't feel, it's what i didn't show.


make your move before i'm gone because people change
and hearts move on.


i wish i could look in the mirror and like what i see.
^100% me


i don't know what we are. sometimes i feel like we're friends,
sometimes i feel like we're more than friends and sometimes it
feels like i've never known you at all.


no matter how many quotes and song lyrics you post up,
or however much you write your heart out.
sometimes words just can't describe how you feel.
you just have to feel it for yourself and that's all there is to it.


remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something,
loves somethnig, and has lost something.


your smile says you're happy but it's cheaper than your words.
and your silence speaks so clearly but i swear i'll
make this work.


do you know what makes the first love different?
it's the only history in one's life, that never repeats itself.


we go to school every day. we learn pointless things, but we
are never taught how to love ourselves.
we aren't taught how to make moments last. but i think the
most unfair thing, is that at the end of high school,
we are tested on something that we were never taught.
we have to stand in front of each other and say goodbye.
^so true, and sad :( i dont wanna say goodbye yet


you'll get to know me and then wonder
why you bothered.


you won't see it coming when it happens,
but when it happens you're going to feel it, let me tell
you now. you'll see when love knocks you down.


i want someone to share my secrets with, someone to talk to late
at night when i can't sleep, someone who feels comfortable
around my family, someone to comfort me when i'm scared, to
hold me when i'm sad, someone who doesn't need to say that he
loves me for me to know its true.


sometimes you feel like the whole world hates you,
and the simplest things make you want to cry. just think
of me, i'll never hate you.
^aww, thats cutee


she loves him more than he will ever know. he loves
her more than he will ever show.


you were there for me for so long, making me laugh while i was
in tears. i will never let anyone take your place, because you're the
best friend i've got. you laugh at my stupid jokes, put up with my
worst moods, go along with my crazy ideas and you still manage
to see the best in me.


sometimes the old times were the best times. the forgotten
memories, the friends that haven't changed, and the smiles that
weren't fake. remember those times? i miss it.


all i want is for you to be the boy that fights for me, that wants
me and will do anything to be with me. i want to be your
only exception.


i wanted a perfect ending. now i've learned the hard way that
some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear
beginning, middle, or end. life is about not knowing, having to
change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without
knowing what's to happen next.


loving someone is giving them the power to destroy you,
but trusting that they won't.


you don't have to hold it together every second of every day. it's okay
to break down. it's okay to cry.
you're not invincible, you're human.


the only guy that deserves you is the one that thinks he doesn't. the one
that will stick by your side no matter
how much you mess up. and the one who will forgive you, mistake
after mistake.


i believe there's one perfect person out
there for everyone. and you know how
to find them? stop looking.


just forget about your pride, you idiot. you love this girl. and even if you're
gonna catch pneumonia, your ass is gonna stand
out here in the rain until you convince her to forgive you.


i want to be the one- i want to be the person that touches your heart
and makes it skip a beat- i want to be the person
that you're destined to be with.


it's not about what you say, it's about what you do. you don't
like the person you've become then do
something about it, because no one's gonna do it for you.


you can find the good in anybody if you just give them a chance, benefit
of the doubt. sometimes people dissapoint you,
sometimes they surprise you, but you never really get to
know them until you listen for what's in their heart.


throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other.
you could talk to this person for hours and never get bored,
you could tell them things and they won't judge you.
this person is your soulmate,
your best friend. don't ever let them go.


because you're beautiful, and you don't know it. because
you're smart, and you don't believe it. you're
the kind of girl that guys never get over. you're the kind of girl
that other girls get compared to.
^i wish i could say this is about me lol. but obviously its not.


you're probably the most confusing person i've
ever met. maybe that's why i want you more,
you keep me interested.


every man needs a woman when his life is a mess because
the queen protects the king,
just like in a game of chess.


i've spent enough sleepless nights in this bed to know
it's just isn't in my head.


honestly, if you find someone who can make you feel like you're
tthe best god damb thing in this universe just by calling
you beautiful, stick with them. they're a rare breed.

^i miss summer

don't miss out on what's happening now because you are waiting
for something better to come along.
you can't live for the future, just like you can't live in the past.


only you yourself can give you the best advice. it sounds oh so cliche,
but follow your heart.


i want a boy, who tells me he can't stop thinking about me. who signs
to me, even if he can't. and who could
break my heart, but would never dream of it.


stop worrying about what strangers think of you. those strangers might
turn out to be your next boyfriend or best friend.
so yes, first impressions are important, but if you don't let them
see the real you the first time, they might just walk past you forever.


it's a little obvious darling,
i'm trying to make you fall for me.


smile, it looks good on you.


a guy out there was meant to be the love of your life, your best friend,
your soul mate, the on you can
tell your dreams to. he'll smile at you, but he'll never laugh at your heart.
he'll brush the hair out of your eyes and send you
flowers when you least expect it. he'll stare at you
during the movies, even though he paid $11 to see it.
he'll call you to say goodnight or just cause he's thinking of you.
he'll look in your eyes and tell you, you're the most beautiful girl in the world
and for the first time in your life, you'll believe it.


if he doesn't chase you after you walk away, keep walking.


i wonder if people look at me, and think "i wish i was that pretty," because
that's what i think when i look at everyone else.
^hahahah neverrrrrrr


when it comes down to it, we all just want to be loved.


everyone's got their weak spot. that one thing that despite your best
efforts, will always bring you to
your knees regardless of how strong you think you are.


if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud.
otherwise the moment just passes you by.


i believe in true love. i believe in love at first sight. i believe love conquers
all and that doesn't mean there's not gonna
be hard days or difficult things to deal with, because there will be.
but finding that one person who does it for you and knowing that person loves
you back, it just makes everything so much easier.


am i that easy to forget?


i'm afraid that one say you may not find me so amazing anymore and
someone will sweep you off your feet. to see you with another would
destroy my heart and tear me apart,
but i promised myself that if you want to be with another, and he
makes you happy, i would have to let you go. i love you.


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