Monday, February 14, 2011

friday night, and the lights are low

there are times when i fall in love with someone new, but i always
seem to find myself back in love with you.


if you loved me before and you cared about me that much before,
then maybe someday you can do it again.


you walked away from the one person who never
left your side.


it is the absolute worst feeling when someone hurts you and they
have no idea they're breaking your heart into a million pieces.


i guess i'm learning, little by little, that we decide what our lives are
going to be. things happen to us, but it's our reactions that matter.


the best songs don't bring you back to the day you first hear them,
but the day they started to mean something to you.


i wish i knew how to make a feeling stop.


time doesn't heal you when you're not ready to move on.


and i'm blasting my music so i won't hear my thoughts, but it's
stupid because the lyrics just remind me of what i'm trying to forget.
how did you manage to get all these people to sing about you?


if your head tells you one thing, and your heart tells you another,
before you do anything, you should decide if you have a better head
or a better heart.


if you always love who you always liked then you'll always get
who you always got.


sometimes you have to test someone. not because you don't trust
them, but to see how much they'll scarifice for you. and sometimes
you have to let them go, not because you suddenly stopped loving
them, but to see if they love you enough to come back.


no matter how ugly you think you are or how everyone else around
you has it better than you; there's always going to be that one
special guy that loves you because you're not like anyone else.
^hahhaha except for me, i really am ugly..duh lol


everyone is looking for themselves in someone else.


where love is concerned, too much is not even enough.


i love seeing old couples. it makes me realize that someone can
actually love you forever.


true love can be compared to ghosts, for everyone talks about it.
some don't believe in it, some do. but only a few have seen it.


don't be fooled by the calendar. there are only as many days in the
year as you make use of.


don't take life too seriously.
you'll never get out of it alive.


as you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the
things you didn't do.


"that's the whole trouble. you can't ever find a place that's nice and
peaceful, because there isn't any. you may think there is, but once
you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and
write 'Fuck you' right under your nose."
~J.D. Salinger; Catcher in the Rye
^greeaaaat book to read in school


i'm not upset that you lied to me, i'm upset that from now on
i can't believe you.


laughter is the shortest distance
between two people.


say what you mean, mean what you say,
and stop pushing me away.


the second you're willing to make yourself miserable to make
someone else happy. that's love right there.


one day we should all just either shut the hell up or say everything that
crosses our mind. so the world can either be a silent one or a chaotic
one. because i'm sick of the in-between one.


we fall in love at the most random places & times.
with the most unpredictable people.


i'm just another emotional wreck.


and yet this pretty girl is still dedicated, to a fairytale that
has already ended.


don't find love, let love find you. that's why it's called
falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall,
you just fall.


i've been lied to, forgotten and treated like
i'm worthless. i'm used to it.


do you know how it feels to pour out your feelings, ever
little thing that you've been holding in
for such a long time? your voice is shaking if you're telling
him in person, and if you're texting him you're fingers
feel numb. scared that you've opened up way too much
about yourself. thinking he wont ever talk to you again.


i love sleep.
my life has the tendency to fall
apart when i'm awake, you know?


if you like her, if she makes you happy,
and if you feel like you know her,
don't let her go.
~Nicholas Sparks


when you truly care for someone, you don't look for
faults. you don't look for answers. you don't look
for mistakes. instead, you fight the mistakes. you accept
the faults and overlook the excuses. the
measure of love is when you love without measure. there
are rare chances that you will meet the person
you love and who loves you in return. so once you have it,
don't ever let go. theres a chance that it might
never come your way again.


i'm afraid that you're going to realize you don't need me
anymore. afraid is an understatement. i've
known for a while now that this day would come, but i've
dreaded every thought of it.


what you say might be too much for some people. maybe
it will come out all wrong and you'll stutter
and you'll walk away embarrassed, wincing as you play it
all back in your head. but i think the
words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will
haunt you the longest.


have you ever woken up from a really good dream & just try to
get back to sleep?
or you have the flu and you promise yourself you'll appreciate
normal so much more if you could just get back to it?
that's the way i feel. i just want
things to go back to the way they were.


i have come to believe that people never mean
half of what they say, and that its best to disregard
their talk and judge only their actions.


i'm not asking for this to turn into a happily ever after.
all i'm asking is that you don't break my heart.


it's hard to grow up in a world where you'll never
be the pretty girl, where everyone seems to have
everything you ever wanted, and your dreams
always end up one cloud away.
^i agree, with the not being pretty part.


life is unfair. you put someone first who puts you second.
you study your ass off for a final only to get a
B in the class when you deserved an A. you give 110% to
someone in a relationship when they only give
40%. you're there for your best friend at 3 a.m. when they
need it the most, and the next day they don't
pick up their phone. you give something your all and
sometimes get little to nothing back. you care so
much about someone who doesn't care enough about you
to say hi once in a while. you give someone
your time, and they give you "sorry, i'm busy." it seems
like you're giving everyone everything, and
they're just walking away with it.


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