Tuesday, February 9, 2010

life lessons

Stop apologizing for things you didn't even do
Be free
When your stuck in a goldfish bowl, break out. pull a nemo. play dead. get flushed
Learn to say "i love you" more often. it feels good. really good
Don't forget, it's ok to be moody sometimes
Yes, when he asks you in for a cup of coffee you should say yes
Become the person you want to be
Just let go
Learn to take a compliment, even if it isn't the one you want to hear
Be sure not to get run over by an ice cream truck
Remember, love doesn't find you on it's own
Your story doesn't always need a beginning before the end
Admit your weakness to no one
There's always someone left to blame
Learn the art of selective hearing
Don't stop dreaming because there is no wrong in wanting something more
Nobody knows your limits better than you do, but every once and a while somebody will question all you know and they will push you for the better
Take a chance
Just for a minute, forget about whats coming tomorrow
Everything obvious has been invented; think outside the box
"We're so fairytale it makes peolpe sick"
Sometimes a thank you isn't enough
Forgive, but don't forget
Chase the rain
Don't let an invitation become an invasion
Sometimes running is the only way to fight your fears
Make dreams happen...now
Don't waste another second...please?
Buy your pumpkins early
Discover the person you are before you find the person you need to be
Stop losing things, it costs
Defend your people
Become your own Duffy; fight your deamons
It's not enough...
Feel the freedom, even if it's a lie
Get your things and lose your way
You are what you make of yourself
Hold on to something good, and dont let go
Don't try and fix what isn't broken
Learn something new. Teach something old
Don't believe a promise that can only be b r o k e n
Don't let yourself be someone's priority if they are only your choice
Open your eyes...or ignore what matters most
Time machines don't exist
Let go of the parts of life you honestly don't want
Learn to WALK A W A Y
Some of the most beautiful people are the ones who don't fit in boxes
Erasing yourself from somebody's life isn't as simple as walking out the door
We spend too long thinking about tomorrow when we could be learning from the yesterday we wanted to be today
Let your heart defy your logic
From now on, everyday will be the most important day
We are all equal in the evil and beauty we are capable of producing
It's OKAY to feel even the tiniest bit of fear
Do what you love, and love what you do
[(I'm all out of clever things to say)]